Hive PvE Server Ends, Tarantula PvP Server Begins
Since the server was Hive-centric and for PvE, there was very little opposition for anyone who tried out the Hive race. Quick expansion...

The Hive Continues its Advance
Most players are enjoying the radically different Hive race that debut on this server; The Hive is especially strong when players work...

The Perseus Hive is now open for Play!
The Hive race debuts today, and players are recommended to join others in trying out the Hive, and taking over the galaxy together in...

Character/Race Selection Screen Updated, New Simulation Mode
With all four races being available for players to choose from in the upcoming server, the server selection screen has been remodeled and...

Custom Player Ships
Starting this year, once a month, a player is selected as an MVP, and is given the option to make their own custom, 'unique' ship. -The...

Behind the Scenes Updates since Rigel I
-All class IV Sol, Genari and Ma'Alaketh ships (frigates) have been given quicker cooldown times upon destruction, from 27 hours to 21...

New Server: Rigel I, Dyson Sphere
Competition begins with the fully playable races of Sol Imperial Worlds, Genari United Empire, and Ma'Alaketh Confederation. The...

Sol Imperial Worlds Marines
Albeit in a limited fashion, Sol Imperial Worlds marines are now available on the Swordfish Type II Marine Destroyer, as well as the new...

Ma'Alaketh Legacy Awards
Now that the Ma'Alaketh race is fully playable, players can get legacy medals and rewards that add to their usable credits for upcoming...

The New Dreadnoughts
New Dreadnoughts for Sol and Genari to counter the Ma'Alaketh Sovereign. As the war escalates, a new version of the Genari Leviathan is...