Shadow Ships & New Feature
New Feature: In-Galaxy map faction limit informatio Now when you zoom into the galaxy map, you can see the faction limit variable listed...

Hive Taxonomy
Hive Organism Progression Tree As development continues on the Perseus Hive, all hive ships now have updated 3D models, along with...

Weapons: The Hive
New Hive Features As the Hive race is continuing with development, two veteran players were invited to playtest the Perseus Hive before...

New PvP Server: Mercury I
Back to full-on PVP! The Mercury server allows three races (Sol, Genari, Ma'Alaketh) to fight it out on even grounds for the first time...

Do'Oran Server, Ma'Alaketh's first Victory
Ma'Alaketh Wins in 40 days! Ma'Alaketh Battleship in confrontation with a Genari Starfire Heavy Cruiser Grand Sovereign Dreadnought seen...

SpaceWars Update V1.36
AI Director Faction Limits Some players were taking advantage of 'averaging' down in certain sectors to make the AI director send lower...

New Ma'Alaketh Ship Models
The Blockader and Interceptor Classes Updated The following ship models (and their variants) have been updated: Centurion Blockader...

10 Days Later: The Ma'Alaketh Invasion
85% of the players have chosen Ma'Alaketh since it went public 10 days ago; those who wanted a big challenge chose Sol or Genari to...

New Server: Do'Oran PvE Now Open
This new server is the first to open the Ma'Alaketh faction to the public, come try the new race! This server is intended to be mostly...

Europa Server Victory: Sol
The Europa server has been won by Sol Imperial Worlds in 67 game days. Congrats to the top players; many of which are rewarded with 1000s...