Ma'Alaketh 3D Ship Models Added
All 40 Ma'Alaketh ships have had their ship models updated, with new textures and designs. In preparation for the launch of the...

Hive Queen: The Boss Battle
Sol and Genari worked together to defend a border region from the Hive Queen, and Ma'Alaketh's top player also came in to help when...

The Hive Queen
The Hive Queen will attack on Saturday June 22nd. As work is being done behind the scenes for Hive development, we are going to have a...

New Hive Ships
Hive Rank Labels now added Hive 'Captain Ranks' -Level 1 - Protonymph -Level 2 - Nymph -Level 3 - Developing Pupa -Level 4 - Pupa ...

Hive Taxonomy I: Neopods & Protoliths
The Perseus Hive are very different than the three other warring factions, as they are living spacefaring creatures, and not actual...

Europa Server open for Competition!
A new server has begun, this time with live debut of the Ma’Alaketh faction, make this the first 3-race server! Veterans and new players...

Ma'Alaketh: The Shadow Ships
Ma'Alaketh Dampening Field One of the unique features of many Ma'Alaketh warships is the dampening field, which causes a distortion-like...

New Ship: The Overlord Class Marine Destroyer!
STATS Hull: 162 Engine: 38 Weapons: 4 Fission Warheads (Type 3B) Shields: 12 power, 2x Marines: 8 pods Special: Armored Engines As...

Advanced Graphics Option Menu!
New in-game graphics options are now available: Those who have issues with game slowing down on areas with a lot of animation or big...

New Ship: The Typhoon Destroyer
As Sol began advancing on critical Genari core worlds, their massive battlestations kept Sol assaults at bay; the Nagara was the...