Space Wars: Interstellar Empires – Log2 The Legacy of PAX
With PAX West in Seattle, Washington two weekends ago, we wanted to do a rundown on some of the highlights from the event. A ton of people came and showed their support for the game which was out of this world! From fans new and old, interviews, and posts online this is a synopsis of everything Space Wars.
Our Own View
[View of the Pax West Booth]
Akshon Esports
In this awesome interview Nathan talks about the world of Space Wars. He goes into some of the systems in place along with the design of combat and equipment. Allocating the correct things at the right time is key to succeeding in the game. He also goes into the feasibility of each of the races and their ships, showing the balancing they have in place.
Constantly Calibrating
Justin and Josh take some time and talk about the games they visited on the PAX West showfloor. They talk about the awesome lore they are hearing about throughout the universe of Space Wars: Interstellar Empires. They make some highlights bringing up the multiplayer and server based content. And go into some of the experiences that can be had playing the game.
The Trinity Force Network
In this interview James talks in depth about the combat and how it works within the online world. He takes the different experiences each player will have into account. He breaks that down into explaining how AI will allow for early players to level up and the experienced players to get into more complex battles.
Develop’s article by Thomas Schulenberg breaks down the gameplay, mechanics, and even the team developing the game.

Finally we want to thank everyone for all of the awesome posts we received over Twitter and Facebook. A lot of interest was seen by people tweeting at us and it was an absolute blast to see people taking pictures at the booth! In addition we want to thank the people who came by the booth and played the game, it was a really great turnout and we appreciate you stopping by!
Don’t forget to sign up for Space Wars: Interstellar Empire if you haven’t yet!